The BUFFER+-partners are getting ready for the partner meeting in Belgium

Visits in the area of Geel
26 March 2024 by
The BUFFER+-partners are getting ready for the partner meeting in Belgium
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The second partner meeting will take place in less than a month (16-18 April). For this gathering we will go to Geel, Belgium. The central issues in this meeting will be WP1 and WP2, which contain: the restoring and rewetting of peat and creating new revenue models got farmers due to the rewetting of the area. 

More than 40 partners and people from associated organisations will be present at the partner meeting. Natuurpunt is the organizer of the programme. 

Parts of the program:

  • Interreg ADMIRE project: synergy between this Interreg-project and BUFFER+.
  • Visit to Malesbroek: climate adaptation and mitigation of private landowners' area. 
  • Visit to Grote Netewoud: creating public support for nature. 
  • Visit to Griesbroek: climate mitigation via rewetting of peatland, stimulating peatland & natural hydrology processes.
  • Visit to de Vennen: naturalization and remeandering projects of present water flows and brooks in context of climate adaption/mitigation. 
  • Session on outcomes survey and discussion WP3.
  • Session on feasibility of provisioned business models WP2.
  • Session on community engagement processes.
  • Session on how to reach our target groups. 
  • Presentation of European Peat Initiative (EPI).
De Kevie - Jos Rouffaers

We are looking forward to the partner meeting!

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