The next European Carbon Farming Summit will provide a space for farmers, policy makers, carbon certification experts and the scientific community to discuss and agree on best mechanisms to scale robust climate actions. The BUFFER+ project, thanks to the participation of the Rivers Trust and AC3A at the Summit will support high level discussions during a session on income opportunities from peatland rewetting.
Since 2023, the consortium of BUFFER+ have been actively working on the development of financial incentives for a transition of agricultural practices or the adoption of paludiculture within peatlands from North West Europe. The River Trust especially has worked on a strategy to promote efficiently paludiculture within the agricultural community in Irish peatlands and AC3A is currently developing payment for ecosystem services schemes with French farmers.Together with the University of Greifswald, Eurosite, Green Restoration Ireland, AECO and the Michael Succow Foundation, they will organise on 6th March 2025 a panel discussion, followed by a workshop to discuss experiences and lessons learned from incentive schemes for paludiculture, carbon credits payments from rewetted peatlands, the barriers to adoption of paludiculture within the agricultural communities, practical challenges and success implementing carbon farming in peatlands.
We look forward to sharing with you the conclusions of these debates, which will enable us to draw up recommendations for European policymakers on how to build a future European framework for carbon removal and carbon farming that is credible, operational and attractive.