Student research for BUFFER+

26 March 2025 by
Student research for BUFFER+
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With the Hanze University as one of our partners, collaborations between BUFFER+ and students are easily made. Recently there have been two student projects to help BUFFER+. One of them focused on CO2 reduction strategies within the farming sector. The other research was about envisioning the future of peatland landscapes and exploring how technology could support their preservation. 

Investigating CO₂ reduction strategies 
On January 31st, two student teams from Terra, the agricultural program, presented their research at the House of the Province in Groningen as part of a unique assignment.  

BUFFER+ initiated the assignment, asking Terra students to investigate CO₂ reduction strategies within the farming sector. The students had the opportunity to present their findings to a panel of BUFFER+ partners, including the Hanze University, municipality of Westerkwartier, the municipality of Midden-Groningen and the province of Groningen, who acted as a judge for the event. 

Research focus: Mortellaro and farming types 
One team focused on Mortellaro, a hoof disease, and its impact on hoof health and CO₂ emissions, stating that a healthy cow emits less CO
2. The other team researched the effect of different forms of farming on CO₂ emissions. They visited multiple farms, including a water buffalo farm and a biologically certified farm. 

And the winner is... 
Both teams presented insightful and valuable research, contributing to the goals of the BUFFER+ project to restore peatlands and mitigate CO₂ emissions. After a compelling presentation session, the judges selected the team that explored hoof health and its influence on CO₂ emissions as the winner, recognizing the depth and relevance of their findings. 

This experience allowed the students to step into the "political arena," presenting their research to policymakers, researchers, and project partners in a professional environment. The event concluded with a tour of the House of the Province, where the students gained insight into the workings of the provincial government and the historic significance of the building.

Envisioning peatland preservation through technology 
On October 14, 2024, students from the Minor Future of Society and Technology gathered at the municipality building of Westerkwartier for an exciting assignment focused on visualizing the future of peatland landscapes over the next 26 years. The day kicked off with a presentation on the BUFFER+ project by the municipality Westerkwartier, municipality Midden-Groningen and the Hanze University, setting the stage for the students to explore real-world challenges and technological solutions. 

Idea development 
In the following weeks, the students engaged in a series of meetings to refine their ideas. On October 24, four students working directly on the project shared their progress, and by November 6, they presented their findings.  

Innovative robotic solutions  
There are many different futures that can be envisioned and thinking out of the box can help aid in conversations about possible ways to preserve peatlands. One of the most exciting outcomes of this project was the development of two types of robots designed to aid in peatland preservation. The first robot is small and mobile, designed to measure various environmental parameters across fields. The second, a larger "circle robot," anchors itself into the ground for stability and deploys an arm to assist with tasks like planting, crop inspection, and other fieldwork. The students designed both robots to ride on caterpillar tracks, making it possible to move over lands with higher water levels. These innovative robots aim to enhance efficiency in monitoring and maintaining the delicate balance of the peatland ecosystem. 

Partnership with education 
The assignments provided by BUFFER+ not only gave the students the chance to contribute to real-world sustainability challenges, but also highlighted the important role agricultural practices play in environmental restoration efforts and the importance of peatland preservation. Projects like this point out the significance of having educational institutions as partners for BUFFER+.   

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